Sunday, May 6, 2012

Derrida, Minister's Black Veil and Scarlet Letter

Derrida says in Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences, that "the center is not the center". It exists both inside and outside the structure of totality. Obviously, Derrida wasn't one to focus on specificity.

But anyway, the main point I got from his essay is how the genesis of the sign, and thus, signification, is absent.

Which is how Minister's Black Veil is relevant. This minister in Salem just kind of starts wearing this black veil that completely covers his face and refuses to take it off. The townspeople, subsequently, start questioning him. However, it is clear that there is no realistic, accurate interpretation by the townspeople of his veil. It is considered dark and sinister, but its interpretation is completely based off even more baseless significations - that is, the idea of black and dark being evil. It just keeps going on and on.

Similarly, in the Scarlet Letter, the interpretation of the scarlet A on Hester's chest is completely baseless. And even more so, the town uses Hester as a physical representation of shame and suffering, comparing their own sins to her own to be relieved, although they have no right or reason to. They are personifying their own sin in the form of her public torture.

It's clear to Hawthorne that it doesn't matter whether the sin is hidden or plain clear, however - people will still attempt to personify their own sins onto others. The minister's veil is an image of a sin that is a mystery, which is why it is considered evil. Despite this, the congregation that the minister converts share this mystery of sin, as they hide behind that veil with him. However, even though Hester's sin is blatant on her chest, it is still ridiculed. Thus, whether the town has any reason to ridicule someone or not, they will use someone else's torture to signify their own purity.

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